Liten uppfödning av Cocker Spaniels i hemmiljö.




Önskar Er alla en Glädjefull Jul & ett Gott Nytt År ❤

Wish you All a Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year ❤

Wünsche euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest

und ein glückliches Neues Jahr ❤


* Foto kommer...


Svea & Sune går fortlöpande kurs

En riktigt bra kombo rallylydnad/agility - varannan vecka rallylydnad och varannan agility. 

Vi har gått en sommaraktiveringskurs i NoseWork och det ska fortsätta gå på & kombinerar allt med handlerträning.




Våra 4 "Ess"


God Jul & Gott Nytt År!


Nya familjemedlemmar

Den 1/11 2023 flyttade Svea (Cockerblues Killer Queen) och hennes kullbror Sune (Cockerblues We Will Rock You) hem till oss.
Mamma och pappa till valparna: Savaria Winner-14 SE U(U)CH DK UCH DK JV-12NORD JV-12 Craigdean Ollison och Cockerblues Tough Gilda.

Svea & Sune

Svea & Sune



Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

Kellemes Karácsonyi Ünnepeket és Boldog Új Évet!

Feliz navidad y feliz año nuevo!


Glad Midsommar!



2020 February


2019 / 2020

2019 August 10th

Ludwigshafen Int show, judge Christiane Lohmann, DE

DECHVDH Tadington´s Hocus Pocus Excellent 1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, CAC, CACIB - BOS/BIM, Rheinland-Pfalz-Sieger 2019 & got a new title DECHKLUB, waiting for the paper!

And to the right Tach Favourite Cristiano Excellent 1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, Res-CAC, Res-CACIB

Huge Thank´s & Congrats to beloved owner Andrea!



Medicinsk Laserterapi


Brand new DE VHD Champion Tadington´s Hocus Pocus - So proud of our beautiful boy!!


2018-09-09 SRA Westheim, Germany, judge Petr Studenik, Cz

Tadington+s Hocus Pocus - Excellent 1 VDH+KLUB CAC


2018-07-07 IRA Ludwigshafen, Germany - Tadington´s Hocus Pocus - Excellent 1 VDH-CAC, Judge: Jose Homen de Mello (P) - Well done!

2018-06-23 in Araau, Switzerland 2 exhibits the same day.
CAC / CACIB show, Tadington’s Hocus Pocus Excellent 1 and got CAC, Judge Philip John, IN.

CAC / Winner Aargovia show, Excellent 1 & CAC, Judge Franco Rubinato, CH.

Today 2018-06--24 CAC/CACIB-show.Excellent 2 & Reserve-CAC, judge D Piljevic, RS.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Andrea. We´re so proud!


In Memorian 2006-04-10 -- 2017-09-18 

Tadington´s Sleeping With Lions


We are so proud! At Jubiläums Klubsiegershow / KSS Schloß Zeillern, Austria under judge Milos Kaspar, Cz our siblings got Excellent results!

Tadington´s Hocus Pocus Excellent 1 CACA
Tadington´s Abracadabra  Excellent 1 CACA
Huge Congrats Andrea & well done!! 


On a nice open show mother & son was showed under judge Sabina Swahn, SE  

⭐Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam Exc 1 HP, BOB, BOG 1                                                        

⭐SEVCH Tadington's Poison Was The Cure Exc 1 & BOS


2017-06-17 -- 18

June 17th 2017 SRA Göttingen, Germany under Alenka Pokorn, Slovenia
Open class dogs 
 Tadington's Hocus Pocus Exc 2 VDH Rec-CAC 
Tadington's Bim Bam Alakazam Exc 4 
Open class bitches 
SEVCH Tadington's Poison Was The Cure  Exc 2 VDH Rec-CAC

June 18th 2017 SRA Göttingen, Germany under Christiane Lohmann, DE
Open class dogs 
Tadington's Hocus PocusExc 1 VDH-CAC Res-CAC Klub Best dog 2
Tadington's Bim Bam Alakazam Exc 3 
Open class bitches 
SEVCH Tadington's Poison Was The Cure Exc 1 VDH-CAC Best Bitch 3 
Cousin Räuberlines Manhattan Transfer Bester Veteran both days 2 x Veteran CAC-VDH + KLUB & BIS 2 Veteran & BIS Veteran


Vi har fått pris!

Vi var medförfattare till en artikel som gick i en facktidning, Vaskulär Medicin, 2015 (länk här). 
Det visade sej att den minnsan vann pris för det årets bästa artikel (i den tidningen).
Nu har vi fått priset, varsin flaska gott Amaronevin. 



Tadington's Bim Bam Alakazam BOB at Open Show Bjuvs BK, judge Lotta Carping ♥


♥ Glad Påsk ♥ Happy Easter ♥ Frohe Oster ♥ Feliz Pascua ♥




Tadington's Hocus Pocus 

Excellent 2, R-CAC R-Cacib at IRA Offenburg, Germany, judge M.-J Melchior, B


Tadington's Bim Bam Alakazam 

BOB - BOG 1 - BIS 3 at Open show SyTek, Höganäs Under judges Pernilla Ouis, Petra Stenkula & Christer Ivarsson - Huge Thank´s !


Önskar Er en glädjefull Jul & Ett gott Nytt År 

Wish you All a Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 
Wünsche euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches Neues Jahr 




National show Karlsruhe November 13th 2016
Tadington's Hocus Pocus - Excellent 1, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, (Res) CAC 
Tadington's Abracadabra - Excellent 3 
Roxicocker Smile with me - Excellent 1, CAC VDH, Res. CACIB 
Judge Monika Blaha, Austria
Huge Congrats to you both!



SRA Westheim, Germany, judge Viera Vitková (SK) 

Tadington's Hocus Pocus won the Open class Exc 1 CAC-Klub and VDH-Anw & Best dog (male)!
Tadington's Abracadabra won Open class Exc 1 VDH-Anw

Huge Thank´s Andrea for taking such good care of our siblings ♥ Well done!

Hopefully we get a better photo later ...


Long time had passes without any updates because of family reasons 

♥ ♥ ♥

Got a lovely greating from Andrea in Germany, Tadington´s Hocus Pocus 



4:th time winning the Month Dog at Oticurant ♥


Happy Birthday ♥ The 69 Eyes-litter is 10 years old today ♥

SEVCH Tadington´s Sleeping With Lions ♥ Bobby

Tadington´s Too Much To Loose ♥ Fabian

Tadington´s Turbobitch ♥ Fiffi

Tadington´s Angel On My Shoulder ♥ Molly

Tadington´s Next Stop Paradise ♥ Disa

SEVCH Tadington´s Velvet Touch ♥ Vicke

/ Strandmarkens Spirit Of Life x NORD VV-12 DE Veteran Champion Klub+VDH Aro´s Blue Serenade /



Today got the siblings Sigge & Sally approved bloodtrack aptitudetest under trackjudge Jessica Nilsson in Vedema 

(on the photo Sigge)

2016 March


Bonnie got her eyes examinded ok today / Bonnie ögonlyst utan anmärkning idag!


2016 February 27th

Had a absolutely amazing day at DKK´s spaniel seminar with Mr. Frank Kane, UK !!

We had the pleasure to go through five spaniel breeds, warm thanks to all involve!!


2015 / 2016

 2015 November - winning photo from a competition Oticurant have on their Facebook-page/ear powder/

Third time smile Bobby & Bonnie 



SRA /Spezial-Rassehunde-Ausstellung/ Iserlohn, Germany, breedjudge Moray Armstrong, Kennel Bitcon, GB

SEVCH Tadington´s Sleeping With Lions aka Bobby Excellent 1, CAC-Veteran, CAC(VDH)-Veteran, Bester Veteran & Sauerland-Jubilämsveteranensieger 2015

Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam aka Sigge Excellent 1, CAC-VDH

Tadington´s Abracadabra aka Emillie Excellent 1:3

SEVCH Tadington´s Poison Was The Cure aka Bonnie Excellent 1:5



Open show Bjuvs BK/Kågeröd, judge Sabina Swahn / Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam Best dog from intermediateclass & BOS & BOB, BIG, BIS open bitch from Perchwater

SEVCH Tadington´s Sleeing With Lions Veteranclass BOB Veteran & BIS 4 Veteran (12 entered!)



Open show ÖBK judge Viktoria Möller / Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam BOS & BOB, BIG 1 Näckrosdammens Gossip

SEVCH Tadington´s Sleeing With Lions Veteranclass BOB Veteran & BIS Veteran


The Boys ♥


Cocker Sydväst Openshow, Judge Andrew Jones, UK.
Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam 2:3 Juniorclass
Tadington´s Inka Dinka Doo Juniorclass 6:6
SEVCH Tadington´s Sleeing With Lions Veteranclass 4:4


Tadington´s Inka Dinka Doo groomed by Canisnova Hundsalong, Petra W in Malmö. Well done!
Photo by Zoltan Sabo


♥ We´re so happy and proud ♥
Today Cockie aka Tadington´s Pif Paf Pof got approved abilitytest in bloodtracking today, trackingjudge Arne Johansson.
♥ Huge thank´s to our dear Camilla ♥
2015-07-05 Natbergen Clubshow under judge Pavel Sulcek (CZ) 
♥ Tadington's Abracadabra got R-J-CAC-VDH R-J-CAC-Club
2015-07-27 Moonlight show Schwanau, judge Rudy Fayaerts, B
♥ Tadington´s Abracadabra aka Emilly got Excellent 1 Juniorclass CAC Klub & VDH

 2015 June - winning photo from a competition Oticurant have on their Facebook-page/ear powder/

Our current pack ♥


Open show Höganäs BK. Our Sigge aka Tadington´s Bim Bam Alakazam was BOS from Juniorclass & a sweet girl from Oakbeach was BOB, the sisters was 1st Cockie & 2nd Minni in Juniorclass, and little Cockie  aka Tadington´s Pif Paf Pof was 2nd Best Bitch - so proud and happy!


WDS 2015 Club Show Milano June 10th 2015

♥ Tadington´s Abracadabra aka Emilly got Excellent 3° Juniorclass 
WDS 2015 Milano June 11th Emilly got Excellent Juniorclass
Photo Regina Nievoll
Photo Ewa Wikermo Rajala
Minni aka Tadington´s Inka Dinka Doo ♥
Följ Bloggen
"Min stora kärlek och passion"


Sweet Minni´s mum Gunilla start a Blogg "Min stora kärlek och passion" (My big passion & love) 

Min stora kärlek och passion


So proud & happy about sweet Tadington´s Pif Paf Pof aka Cockie, she got Diploma from the Obedience-class ♥ Good girl! Huge thank´s to mum Camilla ♥


Sigge, Sally & Cockie started on Bloodtracking-class 
Happy Birthday to our "The 69 Eyes" -Litter ♥ 9 years old today ♥
Bobby ♥ Fiffi ♥ Fabian ♥ Disa ♥ Molly ♥ Vicke
Our sweet Sally aka Tadington´s Zim Salabim was Oticurants Dog of the month #gladastehund at Facebook
Happy about her winning!
2015 April 1´st
Got a pic from the local newpaper in Lomma, Sluggo aka Tadington´s CrushÉm
2015-03-04 Bonnie aka Tadington´s Posion Was The Cure got her eyes examined ok today
Little sweetheart Tadington´s Inka Dinka Doo with her beloved sock.smile
She need a trim meeting very soon...
Årets Veteran 2014 SPK Danmark
Denna hemsida är byggd med N.nu - prova gratis du med.(info & kontakt)